Oil Shocks, 1973 and 2022

Oil Shocks, 1973 and 2022

Oil Shocks, 1973 and 2022 There are important differences between the oil shocks of October 1973 and the one today. I am a member of the huge “boomer” generation born after World War II. Like other Baby Boomers I sailed comfortably on America’s seemingly boundless sea...
Soaring Prices at the Pump

Soaring Prices at the Pump

Soaring Prices at the Pump Shocked Americans are now asking, “What is causing the soaring prices of gasoline?’ The answer is a complex combination of supply and demand pressures. American drivers are now facing almost daily unwelcome surprises at their local gas...
Key Developments In Ukraine

Key Developments In Ukraine

Key Developments in Ukraine The Russian army is continuing to rain rockets, missiles, and shells on cities across Ukraine. However, the invaders are meeting fierce and unexpectedly effective resistance from the Ukrainian defense forces. The Ukrainian crisis continues...
Does 2 + 2 = 5?

Does 2 + 2 = 5?

2 + 2 = 5? Putin’s propaganda machine has banned the use of the words “war,” “aggression,” and “invasion” to describe what is officially called a “special military operation.” Winston Smith is the chief protagonist in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. As a citizen...
Russian Gasoline in Your Car?

Russian Gasoline in Your Car?

Russian Gasoline in Your Car? Representative Nancy Mace of South Carolina blasted imported Russian oil declaring it is “stained with Ukrainian blood.” Would you knowingly pump Russian gasoline into your car’s fuel tank? Would you knowingly pump Russian gasoline into...
Navalny and Russia’s Fear Barrier

Navalny and Russia’s Fear Barrier

Navalny and Russia’s Fear Barrier “Let’s at least not become a nation of frightened silent people…” Who is Aleksei Navalny? Why is Vladimir Putin afraid of him? Navalny is Russia’s foremost opposition leader. His YouTube and Tiktok videos documenting...